The site of tablets production, tablet pressing technology and equipment for pressing.

Opportunities tabletting machines

We are specialized in a variety of models of tablet presses for pressing of tablets with diameter from 3 mm to 100 mm.

A wide range of choice of tablet presses on the website


Opportunities tabletting machines
Pharmaceutical Equipment Manufacturers
continuously improve tableting machines and equipment parts thereof
For example, the German manufacturer has perfected a rotary tabletting machine, using segment matrix drive instead of traditional matrices. Three segments replaced the forty seven matrices and forty seven screws, and it gave such advantages as:
increased productivity - up to 311,000 tablets per hour;
decreased amount of time spent to change the product, as there is no need of separate regulation matrices;
fell while cleaning equipment since decreased and the number of parts missing and hard-to-clean holes;
decreased effort to push tablets as decreased wall friction matrix;
thanks manufactured from high-alloy steel segments and lower frictional forces increased lifespan of five or six times;
JavaScript flat surface matrix disk no sharp edges to reduce the loss of product to 50 percent.
These clear advantages provided innovative technology contributed to its successful implementation in pharmaceutical manufacturing.
thanks to advances in electrical and mechanical engineering in recent years significantly improved performance tabletting machines. Heavy Duty new machines have the ability to compress a huge amount of pills. At the same time, great value and acquired immunity tablet equipment. Domestic and foreign manufacturers of pharmaceutical machinery, considering the most important criterion of the equipment - the simplicity and ease of cleaning, apply technology Wash in Place (WiP) - cleaning in place, reduced several razvremya cleaning.
Speed ​​and ease of adjustment and migration tablet equipment during work is also an important prerequisite for many companies producing pharmaceutical machinery. For example, the upper compression tablet press rollers mounted on pivoting of the supports, which provides both ease of maintenance and cleaning nip, and the possibility of replacing the instantaneous section of the matrix. Spetsialnye seal completely isolate the work area, thereby avoiding getting into the area of ​​the machine mechanical product. To ensure optimum access to the area of ​​manufacture of tablets, tablets design output tray is also made on the pivot joint that facilitates easy maintenance and cleaning of equipment.
Various parameters tablet presses can be analyzed using a special program of the PLA, which is: 1) the design of production system processes, 2) analysis, 3) management by repeated evaluation of the technical specifications of raw materials and critical quality indicators, as well as intermediates, and 4) the processes themselves to improve the quality of the final product. Quality control of products on the production line - only one small part of the total analytical system, which recently came to the fore NIR technology. To meet the demands of customers, some are already equipped with some press NIR system homogeneity control pills.
Implemented integration into tablet presses and peripherals to them analytical components.
Can cite examples: hardness and weight, thickness and diameter of the tablets , measurement of compression force inside the press, as well as peripheral analysis of the active substance.
company has developed a new laboratory rotary press, allowing to produce two-layer or three-layer tablets even. Loading matrices is carried out automatically rotating agitator. Before pressing the last layer, the ejector cam tablets is in the upper position automatically pneumatically. Another feature of this press is a sensor holder for near-infrared spectroscopy provided for determining a compressed tablet of the active substance.
Company also offers a range of modular control systems for monitoring and automatic process control pills. One of the systems responsible for controlling the pressing force measurement and weight pills. These measures reduce losses, increase the volume of production, increase process reliability and quality of pills.
Modern pharmaceutical equipment manufacturers are struggling to obtain high quality pills.

Questions about tablets

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